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Last updated:2021-08-03 18:56:33
Use iptables to configure dynamic firewall rules for a Linux server, which specifies the connection status for sending or receiving packets. Use this command to define, maintain, and check the IP packet filter rules defined for the Linux kernel. Supported types of system-defined firewall tables are Filter, NAT, and Mangle, and the default table is Filter. User-defined firewall tables are also supported. A chain defines the sequence of filter rules maintained by iptables. For example, a Filter table supports the following chains: INPUT, OUTPUT and FORWARD. The following example shows the procedure of creating a Filter table.
Clear existing rules.
[root@tp ~]# iptables -F //Clear all rules in the rule chains from the default Filter table.
[root@tp ~]# iptables -X //Clear all rules in the user-defined chains from the default Filter table.
Set predefined rules.
[root@tp ~]# iptables -P INPUT DROP
[root@tp ~]# iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
[root@tp ~]# iptables -P FORWARD DROP
Add rules.
Allow remote SSH login (port 22).
[root@tp ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
[root@tp ~]# iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
Allow the web service (port 80).
[root@tp ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
Allow the mail service (ports 25 and 110).
[root@tp ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 110 -j ACCEPT
[root@tp ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
Allow the FTP server (port 21).
[root@tp ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT
Allow the DNS server (port 53).
[root@tp ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
Allow the HTTPS service (port 443).
[root@tp ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443-j ACCEPT
Port 445 is prohibited by ISPs and is unavailable.
If you have created other servers, add rules for the corresponding ports based on the previous commands.
The above rules are for INPUT chains. All other rules are set to DROP.
Permit ICMP (permit pings).
[root@tp ~]# iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT (assume OUTPUT is set to DROP)
[root@tp ~]# iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT (assuming INPUT is set to DROP)
Permit loopback (otherwise problems such as incorrect DNS shutdown might occur).
IPTABLES -A INPUT -i lo -p all -j ACCEPT (assuming INPUT is set to DROP)
IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o lo -p all -j ACCEPT (assuming OUTPUT is set to DROP)
Pure Mode