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Modify the Instance Maintenance Properties

Last updated:2022-01-21 15:39:09

If a system event affecting the running status of a KEC instance occurs, such as the failure of a physical machine, Kingsoft Cloud recovers the instance to the state before the system event occurs by default. You can modify the instance maintenance properties to define the automatic recovery method for the KEC instance after such a system event occurs.


  1. Log in to the KEC console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click Instance. On the Instance page, find the target KEC instance and choose More > O&M and Diagnosis > Modify Instance Maintenance Properties in the Operation column.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, select Auto Restart or Not Restart.
  4. Click OK. The modification takes effect, and the recovery method is triggered next time a system event affecting the running status of the KEC instance occurs.
  5. Click the KEC instance name to go to the Instance Detail page. In the Basic Information section, you can view Maintenance Properties.
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