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API overview

Last updated:2023-01-10 16:02:56

Elements related to KS3 requests

Element Description
Request signature Initiates a request with a V2 signature to KS3.
Request signature V4 Initiates a request with a V4 signature to KS3.
Common request headers The common request headers of KS3.
Common response headers The common response headers of KS3.
Error codes The possible error codes.

Service operation

API operation Description
Get Service Queries all your buckets.

Bucket operations

API operation Description
HEAD Bucket Determines whether a bucket exists and whether you are allowed to access it.
DELETE Bucket Deletes the specified bucket.
GET Bucket ACL Queries the access control list (ACL) of a bucket.
PUT Bucket Creates a bucket.
PUT Bucket ACL Sets an ACL for a bucket.
GET Bucket Queries all or some (up to 1000) objects in the specified bucket.
GET Bucket logging Queries the logging status of your bucket.
PUT Bucket logging Configures log parameters for your bucket and specifies the users allowed to view and modify the log parameters.
GET Location Queries the region to which your bucket belongs.
List Multipart Uploads Queries all running multipart upload tasks in a bucket.
Put Bucket Policy Adds a bucket policy for the specified bucket.
Get Bucket Policy Queries the bucket policy of the specified bucket.
Delete Bucket Policy Deletes the bucket policy of the specified bucket.
Put Bucket Lifecycle Creates a lifecycle configuration for the specif ied bucket.
Get Bucket Lifecycle Queries the lifecycle configuration of the specified bucket.
Delete Bucket Lifecycle Deletes the lifecycle configuration of the specified bucket.
Get Bucket Replication Queries the cross-region replication rule of a source bucket.
Put Bucket Replication Configures a cross-region replication rule for a source bucket.
Delete Bucket Replication Disables the cross-region replication rule of a source bucket.

Object operations

API operation Description
DELETE Object Deletes an object.
GET Object Queries an object.
HEAD Object Queries the metadata of an object.
PUT Object Adds an object to a bucket.
POST Object Adds an object to a bucket by using an HTML POST form.
GET Object ACL Queries the ACL of an object.
PUT Object ACL Sets an ACL for an object.
PUT Object Copy Copies an object in KS3 to the specified bucket.
PUT Fetch Pulls an object from a third-party URL and uploads it to the specified bucket in KS3.
Restore Object Restores an archive object.

Multipart upload operations

API operation Description
Initiate Multipart Upload Initiates a multipart upload task.
Upload Part Uploads a part in a multipart upload task.
Complete Multipart Upload Completes a multipart upload task, that is, assembles all parts into an object.
Abort Multipart Upload Aborts a multipart upload task.
List Parts Queries the uploaded parts in the specified multipart upload task.
Upload Part Copy Uploads a part by copying an existing object.
List Multipart Uploads Queries all running multipart upload tasks in a bucket.

Object tagging operations

API operation Description
Delete Object Tagging Deletes all tags of the specified object.
Get Object Tagging Queries the tags of an object.
Put Object Tagging Configures tagging or updates the tagging configurations for an object.

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) operations

API operation Description
GET Bucket CORS Queries the CORS information of a bucket.
PUT Bucket CORS Configures the CORS information of a bucket.
DELETE Bucket CORS Deletes the CORS information of the specified bucket.
OPTIONS Object Sends a preflight request (OPTIONS) containing a specific origin, HTTP method, and header information to KS3 before sending a cross-domain request, to determine whether to send a real request.

Asynchronous data processing operations

API operation Description
Upload Callback Processing (UCP) operations The instructions for upload callback processing. You can add related callback parameters to the request when calling the PUT Object, Complete Multipart Upload, or POST Object API operation.


Topic Description
Encryption related The instructions for the two encryption methods provided by KS3 on the server side.

Infrequent access storage operations

API operation Description
Infrequent Access The infrequent access storage API operations of KS3.

Archive storage operations

API operation Description
ARCHIVE The archive storage API operations of KS3.
Restore Object Restores an archive object.

AWS S3 protocol compatibility

Topic Description
AWS S3 protocol compatibility The compatibility of the KS3 API with the AWS S3 protocol.
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