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Last updated:2023-01-10 16:02:56
Element | Description |
Request signature | Initiates a request with a V2 signature to KS3. |
Request signature V4 | Initiates a request with a V4 signature to KS3. |
Common request headers | The common request headers of KS3. |
Common response headers | The common response headers of KS3. |
Error codes | The possible error codes. |
API operation | Description |
Get Service | Queries all your buckets. |
API operation | Description |
HEAD Bucket | Determines whether a bucket exists and whether you are allowed to access it. |
DELETE Bucket | Deletes the specified bucket. |
GET Bucket ACL | Queries the access control list (ACL) of a bucket. |
PUT Bucket | Creates a bucket. |
PUT Bucket ACL | Sets an ACL for a bucket. |
GET Bucket | Queries all or some (up to 1000) objects in the specified bucket. |
GET Bucket logging | Queries the logging status of your bucket. |
PUT Bucket logging | Configures log parameters for your bucket and specifies the users allowed to view and modify the log parameters. |
GET Location | Queries the region to which your bucket belongs. |
List Multipart Uploads | Queries all running multipart upload tasks in a bucket. |
Put Bucket Policy | Adds a bucket policy for the specified bucket. |
Get Bucket Policy | Queries the bucket policy of the specified bucket. |
Delete Bucket Policy | Deletes the bucket policy of the specified bucket. |
Put Bucket Lifecycle | Creates a lifecycle configuration for the specif ied bucket. |
Get Bucket Lifecycle | Queries the lifecycle configuration of the specified bucket. |
Delete Bucket Lifecycle | Deletes the lifecycle configuration of the specified bucket. |
Get Bucket Replication | Queries the cross-region replication rule of a source bucket. |
Put Bucket Replication | Configures a cross-region replication rule for a source bucket. |
Delete Bucket Replication | Disables the cross-region replication rule of a source bucket. |
API operation | Description |
DELETE Object | Deletes an object. |
GET Object | Queries an object. |
HEAD Object | Queries the metadata of an object. |
PUT Object | Adds an object to a bucket. |
POST Object | Adds an object to a bucket by using an HTML POST form. |
GET Object ACL | Queries the ACL of an object. |
PUT Object ACL | Sets an ACL for an object. |
PUT Object Copy | Copies an object in KS3 to the specified bucket. |
PUT Fetch | Pulls an object from a third-party URL and uploads it to the specified bucket in KS3. |
Restore Object | Restores an archive object. |
API operation | Description |
Initiate Multipart Upload | Initiates a multipart upload task. |
Upload Part | Uploads a part in a multipart upload task. |
Complete Multipart Upload | Completes a multipart upload task, that is, assembles all parts into an object. |
Abort Multipart Upload | Aborts a multipart upload task. |
List Parts | Queries the uploaded parts in the specified multipart upload task. |
Upload Part Copy | Uploads a part by copying an existing object. |
List Multipart Uploads | Queries all running multipart upload tasks in a bucket. |
API operation | Description |
Delete Object Tagging | Deletes all tags of the specified object. |
Get Object Tagging | Queries the tags of an object. |
Put Object Tagging | Configures tagging or updates the tagging configurations for an object. |
API operation | Description |
GET Bucket CORS | Queries the CORS information of a bucket. |
PUT Bucket CORS | Configures the CORS information of a bucket. |
DELETE Bucket CORS | Deletes the CORS information of the specified bucket. |
OPTIONS Object | Sends a preflight request (OPTIONS) containing a specific origin, HTTP method, and header information to KS3 before sending a cross-domain request, to determine whether to send a real request. |
API operation | Description |
Upload Callback Processing (UCP) operations | The instructions for upload callback processing. You can add related callback parameters to the request when calling the PUT Object, Complete Multipart Upload, or POST Object API operation. |
Topic | Description |
Encryption related | The instructions for the two encryption methods provided by KS3 on the server side. |
API operation | Description |
Infrequent Access | The infrequent access storage API operations of KS3. |
API operation | Description |
ARCHIVE | The archive storage API operations of KS3. |
Restore Object | Restores an archive object. |
Topic | Description |
AWS S3 protocol compatibility | The compatibility of the KS3 API with the AWS S3 protocol. |
Pure Mode