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Common request headers

Last updated:2021-09-14 16:17:59

The following table lists the common request headers used in KS3. Name Description
Authorization Necessary request validation information. Anonymous users do not need to.
Content-Length Length information of the request body (excluding the header), in bytes.
Content-Type The type of resource in the request body. For example: 'text / plain'.
Content-MD5 MD5 summary information for the requested object.
Date The time and date of the current request. Format: wed, 01 Mar 2006 12:00:00 GMT.
Expect When the user application uses' 100 continue ', the request body will be sent only after the authentication is passed. If the header authentication is invalid, the request content is not sent.
valid value: 100 continue
Host The value of the path style request is:; The value of the virtual style request is:
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