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List Multipart Uploads

Last updated:2021-09-14 16:18:03


This LIST operation will list all the multipart upload tasks in progress. The ongoing multipart upload tasks refer to those that have been started but have not been abandoned or completed.

In a response, this operation returns up to 1000 (default) multipart upload tasks. Users can use the 'max-uploads' parameter to limit the maximum value. If the number of multipart upload tasks in user space is greater than the maximum set by this operation, the 'IsTruncated' parameter will be set to 'true' in the response. Users can use the 'key-marker' and 'upload-id-marker' parameters to list unlisted tasks.



GET /?uploads HTTP/1.1
Host: {BucketName}.{endpoint}
Date: {date}
Authorization: {SignatureValue}


Request parameters

Parameter Description Necessity
delimiter Separator, a character used to divide a set of parameters.
Type: String
Default: None
encoding-type Indicates the encoding used for requests KS3 and KS3 responses. The object keycan contain any Unicode character. However, the XML 1.0 parser cannot parse certain characters, such as 0 to 10 in ASCII. Characters that cannot be parsed can be added to the request, and KS3 will encode them in the response.
Type: String
Default: None
Valid values: url
max-uploads Limit the maximum value ([1,1000]) to list tasks in progress. The response will return its value in the response body.
Type: Integer
Default value: 1000
upload-id-marker Used with key-marker to specify the starting location of the multipart upload task in the specified space. If key-marker is not specified, this parameter will be ignored. Otherwise, only tasks with upload ID larger than the set size will be listed.
Type: String
Default: None
key-marker Used with upload-id-marker to specify the starting location of the task of multipart upload in the specified space. If upload-id-marker is not specified, only tasks with key larger than the given key-marker according to the dictionary order will be listed . If upload-id-marker is specified, tasks with key equal to the given key-marker or included and upload ID greater than the specified upload-id-marker will be listed.
Type: String
Default value: 1000
prefix Limit the prefix used for the response results list, just like the folders you use on your computer.
Type: String
Default: None

Request header

This interface only uses common request headers. For more information, please click Public request headers.

Request content

The interface does not use the requested content.


Response header

This interface can use all common response headers. For more information, please click Public response headers.

In addition to the common response headers, the storage-class response header is returned, indicating the file type.

Name Description
storage-class Used to describe the bucket file type.
Standard storage does not return this response header; low frequency storage isSTANDARD_IA; archive storage isARCHIVE

Response content

Name Description
ListMultipartUploadsResult Container for the response content.
Type: Container
Child nodes:Bucket, KeyMarker, UploadIdMarker, NextKeyMarker, NextUploadIdMarker, MaxUploads, Delimiter, Prefix, CommonPrefixes, IsTruncated
Parent node: None
Bucket The name of the user space to start the multipart upload task.
Type: String
Parent node: ListMultipartUploadsResult
KeyMarker 'key' at the beginning of the list.
Type: String
Parent node: ListMultipartUploadsResult
UploadIdMarker 'upload ID' at the beginning of the list.
Type: String
Parent node: ListMultipartUploadsResult
NextKeyMarker In a continuous list request, if the list is truncated, the start position of the next list should be returned by setting the key-marker value.
Type: String
Parent node: ListMultipartUploadsResult
NextUploadIdMarker In a continuous list request, if the list is truncated, the start position of the next list should be returned by setting the upload-id-marker value.
Type: String
Parent node: ListMultipartUploadsResult
Encoding-Type Encoding method of object name in KS3 response.
Type: String
Parent node: ListBucketResult
MaxUploads The maximum number of entries that should be included in the response list.
Type: Integer
Parent node: ListMultipartUploadsResult
IsTruncated Is it truncated. If the number of object list records exceeds the set maximum, it will be truncated.
Type: BooleanAncestor: ListMultipartUploadsResult
Upload A container that contains information about a specific multipart upload task. The response should contain 0 or more Upload elements.
Type: Container
Child nodes: Key, UploadId, InitiatorOwner, StorageClass, Initiated
Parent node: ListMultipartUploadsResult
Key The 'key' of the upload object of the multipart upload task.
Type: Integer
Parent node: Upload
UploadID ID of the multipart upload task.
Type: Integer
Parent node: Upload
Initiator Container containing the initiator information of the multipart upload task.
Child nodes: ID, DisplayName
Parent node: Upload
ID User ID.
Type: String
Parent node: Initiator,Owner
DisplayName The name of the initiator or owner.
Type: String
Parent node: Initiator,Owner
Owner User space owner information.
Type: String
Child node: DisplayName, ID
Parent node: Upload
StorageClass The storage class of the upload object.
Type: String
Parent node: Upload
Note: the standard storage returnsSTANDARD; the response content value of infrequent access storage isSTANDARD_IA; the response content value of archive storage isARCHIVE
Initiated The time and date when the multipart upload task starts.
Type: Date
Parent node: Upload
ListMultipartUploadsResult.Prefix Prefix specified in object key.
Type: String
Parent node: ListMultipartUploadsResult
Delimiter Separator, which is used to divide parameters. It is convenient to determine common prefix after division.
Type: String
Parent node: ListMultipartUploadsResult
CommonPrefixes When the user specifies a separator, KS3 returns their common prefix. In fact, the values included by the common prefix are similar to subdirectories under the same directory in the file directory. The number of values cannot exceed the maximum number. For example, the specified separator is/. Fornotes/summer/a.txtandnotes/summer/b.xml, the public prefix isnotes/summer/.
Type: String
Parent node: ListMultipartUploadsResult
CommonPrefixes.Prefix If the Prefix parameter is set, the value of this parameter will be from the beginning after Prefix to the first separator, otherwise from the beginning to the first separator.
Type: String
Parent: CommonPrefixes

Special errors

The interface does not return any special errors.


Request example

GET /?uploads&max-uploads=3 HTTP/1.1
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
Authorization: authorization string

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-kss-request-id: 656c76696e6727732072657175657374
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2014 20:34:56 GMT
Content-Length: 1330
Connection: keep-alive
Server: KS3

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ListMultipartUploadsResult xmlns="">

Interface details

  • Through this interface, you can list the multipart uploads in progress under the bucket. For multipart uploads that were initialized a long time ago and are no longer used, it is recommended to use the Abort Multipart Upload interface to delete them.
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