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Storage capacity

Last updated:2021-07-20 10:07:43

Query conditions

The query conditions include project, region, bucket, storage class, and statistical period. You can manually select one or more buckets in a region under a project. The default statistical period is the last 30 days. You can also set the statistical period to the last seven days, yesterday, or specific start and end dates.


Line chart

The Storage Capacity tab displays the total amount of stored data, and the amount of incremental and deleted data within a specified period of time in a line chart. You can click the corresponding metric to show or hide the corresponding data. You can click the EXPORT button on the right of the page to export the data to an Excel file.

Note: The Storage Capacity tab displays the storage data as of the previous day, which is updated every day at 00:00.

Doughnut chart

The doughnut chart displays the proportion of data stored in each bucket under the current account. You can move the pointer over the doughnut chart to view details. You can click the EXPORT button on the right of the page to export the data to an Excel file.

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