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HEAD Object

Last updated:2021-09-14 16:18:12


You can call this operation to obtain metadata from an object without getting the object. To call this operation, you must have the read permissions on the object.

The HEAD request and GET request on an object are fulfilled in the same way. The HEAD response is identical because it does not contain a response body.


To call this operation, you must have read permission on the object. If the requested object does not exist, Kingsoft Cloud Standard Storage Service (KS3) returns corresponding information based on whether you have read permission.

  • If you have the read permissions on the bucket, KS3 returns an HTTP 404 error with the error message "no such key."
  • If you do not have the read permissions on the bucket, KS3 returns an HTTP 403 error with the error message "access denied."


Request syntax

HEAD /{ObjectKey} HTTP/1.1
Host: {BucketName}.{endpoint}
Date: {date}
Authorization: {SignatureValue}


Request parameters

No request parameter is used.

Request headers

This operation supports all common request headers and the request headers that are described in the following table. For more information, see Common request headers.

Header Description Required
Range The range byte of an object to download. For more information, visit
Type: String
Default: None
Constraint: None
If-Modified-Since Specifies whether the object is modified after the specified time. If the object is modified after the specified time, the object will be returned; otherwise, HTTP status code 304 is returned.
Type: String
Default value: None
Constraint: None
If-Unmodified-Since Specifies whether the object is not modified after the specified time. If the object is not modified after the specified time, the object will be returned; otherwise, HTTP status code 412 is returned.
Type: String
Default value: None
Constraint: None
If-Match Specifies whether the object matches the specified value. If the ETag(entity tag) of the object is the same as the specified value, the object is returned; otherwise, HTTP status code 412 is returned.
Type: String
Default value: None
Constraint: None
If-None-Match Specifies whether the object does not match the specified value. If the ETag(entity tag) of the object is different from the specified value, the object is returned; otherwise, HTTP status code 304 is returned.
Type: String
Default value: None
Constraint: None

Request body

No request body is used.


Response headers

Header Description
Content-MD5 The BASE64-coded MD5 value of the object. This header is returned only if the object is uploaded to KS3 through PUT or POST. It is not returned if the object is uploaded in multiple parts.
x-kss-meta-* The user metadata. This header is returned if you use user metadata in the PUT Object operation with a prefix of x-kss-meta- and a custom suffix. The same metadata is returned.
Type: String
x-kss-restore The object restoration status and expiration time. This header will be returned if the requested object is under restoration (with the value x-kss-restore: ongoing-request="true") or has been restored (with the value x-kss-restore: ongoing-request="false", expiry-date="Sun, 16 Apr 2017 08:12:33 GMT"). This header will not be returned if the requested object is stored in standard or infrequent access storage or is archived.
Type: String
x-kss-storage-class The storage class of an object. Valid values: STANDARD_IA (indicating infrequent access storage) and ARCHIVE (indicating archival storage). If standard storage is used, this header will not be returned.
Type: String
ETag The 32-bit hexadecimal string used to identify the Object content. Each ETag specifies a unique Object. The ETag of an Object created by using the Put Object or Post Object request is the MD5 value of the object content. The ETag of an Object created by uploading in multiple parts is an MD5 value calculated after the MD5 values of all parts are combined. You can use the ETag to check whether the Object content has changed.
Type: String
x‑kss‑tagging‑count The number of tags associated with an object. This header is returned only if you have the read permissions on tags.
Type: String

Response body

No response body is returned.

Operation-specific errors

This operation does not return operation-specific errors.


Sample request

HEAD /my-image.jpg HTTP/1.1
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:32:00 GMT
Authorization: authorization string

Sample response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:32:00 GMT
Last-Modified: Sun, 1 Jan 2006 12:00:00 GMT
ETag: "54a3be97af36cdc9f2516c74550fa95d"
Content-Length: 434234
Content-Type: text/plain
Connection: close
Server: Tengine


1. If an object is uploaded to KS3 in multiple parts, the Content_MD5 header will not be returned when you call the GET operation.

2. If an object is uploaded to KS3 through PUT or POST, the Content_MD5 header will be returned when you call the GET operation.

Usage notes

  • The response does not involve a response body regardless of the request result.
  • You can call this operation to check whether an object exists.
  • You can call this operation to obtain metadata of an object.
  • The x‑kss‑tagging‑count header is returned only if you have the ks3:GetObjectTagging permission on tags. If you have only the ks3:GetObject permission but not the ks3:GetObjectTagging permission, the x-kss-tagging-count header will not be returned.
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