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Manage content

Last updated:2020-11-26 19:52:12

Log in to the Kingsoft Cloud CDN console and click Content Management in the left navigation pane. Then, you can refresh and prefetch content for the accelerated domain names under the current account.

Refresh content

You can refresh directories or URLs. The maximum number of directories or URLs that you can refresh daily is limited.

Refresh directories

After you refresh a directory, all the files in the directory cached in Kingsoft Cloud CDN are set to expired. When users request these files, users must pull the up-to-date files from the origin.

  • The directory names are case-sensitive. You can refresh a maximum of 100 directories daily, and can submit a maximum of 100 directories at a time.
  • The directory names must start with Protocol://, for example, http://. Enter a directory name in each line.

Refresh URLs

After you refresh a URL, the file corresponding to the URL cached in Kingsoft Cloud CDN is deleted. When users request to access the file, users must pull the up-to-date file from the origin.

  • You can refresh a maximum of 1,000 URLs daily, and can submit a maximum of 1,000 URLs at a time.
  • The URLs must start with Protocol://, for example, http://. Enter a URL in each line.

Prefetch content

You can prefetch specified content to edge nodes of Kingsoft Cloud CDN. When users access the content for the first time, they can directly obtain the content from the cache, reducing the workload of the origin server.

  • The URLs are case-sensitive. You can prefetch a maximum of 100 URLs daily, and can submit a maximum of 100 URLs at a time.
  • The URLs must start with Protocol://, for example, http://. Enter a URL in each line.

Query task records

You can query refresh and prefetch records in the last seven days.



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