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3. Prove the ownership of a domain name

Last updated:2024-03-28 14:41:32

When you add a new second-level domain suffix, such as, to Kingsoft Cloud CDN, you must prove your ownership of the domain name. You can use a Domain Name System (DNS) record or upload a verification file to prove the ownership. In the following example, is used to demonstrate how to prove the ownership of a domain name.

Method 1: Use a DNS record to prove the ownership

When you add a new domain name to Kingsoft Cloud CDN, you can add a DNS record to prove that you own the domain name.

  1. Obtain the record type, host name, and record value.

    1. Log in to the Kingsoft Cloud CDN console.

    2. In the left navigation pane, click Configure. On the page that appears, click Add Domain Name. When you add a domain name for the first time, follow the instructions on the page to add a TXT record.

Method 1.png

  1. Add a DNS record.

    1. Log in to Kingsoft Cloud DNS console.
      In this example, Kingsoft Cloud DNS is used to add a DNS record. You can add a DNS record through other service providers such as DNSPod and Xinnet in a similar way.
    2. On the Domain Name page, click
    3. Click Add Record. Enter the record type, host name, and record value that you have obtained in Step 1.

Add record.png

  1. Complete the verification process.
    1. Go back to the Kingsoft Cloud CDN console.
    2. Click Check to complete the verification process.

Method 2: Upload a verification file to prove the ownership

When you add a new domain name to Kingsoft Cloud CDN, you can upload a verification file to prove that you own the domain name.

  1. Log in to the Kingsoft Cloud CDN console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click Configure. On the page that appears, click Add Domain Name. On the Add Domain Name page, click Type 2: File Check.

Method 2.png

  1. Click ksy-cdnauth.html to download the verification file.

  2. Upload the verification file to the root directory of the origin server of your domain name. The origin server can be a Kingsoft Cloud Elastic Compute (KEC) instance, Kingsoft Cloud Standard Storage Service (KS3) bucket, Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance, Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket, Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM) instance, Container-Optimized OS (COS) instance, or Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance.


Kingsoft Cloud CDN determines whether you have uploaded the verification file as required by visiting your origin server at and obtaining the verification file. Make sure that the file is accessible.

  1. Click Check to complete the verification process.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the ownership verification process.

  • Q: Why does Kingsoft Cloud CDN verify the ownership of domain names?

    A: The ownership verification process is required to ensure that a domain name is added by its owner and avoid conflicts or security issues that may arise if a domain name is mistakenly added by someone else.

  • Q: Do I need to prove the ownership of domain names that have already been added to Kingsoft Cloud CDN?

    A: No. If you have added a domain name, such as, to Kingsoft Cloud CDN, you are regarded as the owner of unless the dissociation logic is triggered. Verification is not required when you add subdomain names of

  • Q: How do I dissociate a domain name, such as, from my account?

    A: If you want to dissociate from your account, delete all domain names ending with The system automatically completes the dissociation. If you add to Kingsoft Cloud CDN again, you must complete ownership verification once more.

  • Q: Can I associate a domain name with multiple accounts?

    A: Yes. You must complete ownership verification for each account when you add a domain name by using the account. This applies, for example, when your company has multiple accounts.

  • Q: Can I delete the DNS record or file used for verification?

    A: Yes. After the verification is completed, you can delete the DNS record or file used for verification at any time.

  • Q: Our company uses API to implement all operations. Does Kingsoft Cloud CDN provide API operations for verifying domain name ownership?

    A: Yes. You can complete ownership verification for domain names both in the console and by calling the API. You can call the GetDomainAuthContent and AuthDomainOwner operations to prove the ownership of a domain name, and then call the AddCdnDomain operation to add the domain name.

  • Q: What can I do if I encounter a problem when I prove the ownership of a domain name by using a DNS record or verification file?

    A: You can contact your exclusive technical support or submit a ticket. Describe the problem that you encounter and provide materials that can prove your ownership of the domain name. Your verification request will be manually reviewed.

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