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Check overview

Last updated:2021-07-20 11:46:34

Check overview

The Overview page displays a summary of various metrics for your account. It gives you a complete picture of your CDN service.

The overview information includes:

Monthly Data: the peak bandwidth, total traffic, and total number of HTTPS requests during the current month and month-on-month comparisons.

Bandwidth/Traffic Today: the real-time bandwidth, real-time traffic, comparison with the previous day, and a line chart of your traffic usage over time in the current day for all your domain names.

Requests Today: the number of static HTTPS requests, the number of static QUIC requests, comparison with the previous day, and a circular chart of the hit ratio of all the requests in the current day for all your domain names.

Resource Packages: the total number of your available resource packages. You can click a button to view or purchase resource packages.

Domain Name: the total number of your domain names. You can click a button to manage or add domain names.

Billing Mode: the billing mode for your account. You can click a button to view the prices.

Certificates: the total number of the certificates in your account.

Domain Name Ranking: the top 5 domain names in your account based on peak bandwidth or traffic.

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