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Last updated:2021-04-26 17:29:25
Operation | Description |
GetBillingMode | Queries the current billing mode. |
Operation | Description |
GetCdnDomains | Queries domain names. |
StartStopCdnDomain | Enables or disables a domain name. |
DeleteCdnDomain | Deletes a domain name. |
GetValidDomainList | Queries valid domain names. |
Operation | Description |
GetCdnDomainBasicInfo | Queries basic information about a domain name. |
AddCdnDomain | Adds a domain name. |
ModifyCdnDomainBasicInfo | Modifies basic information about a domain name. |
Operation | Description |
GetDomainConfigs | Queries detailed configurations of a domain name. |
SetIgnoreQueryStringConfig | Configures the parameter filter. |
SetBackOriginHostConfig | Configures a back-to-origin host. |
SetReferProtectionConfig | Configures referer-based hotlinking prevention. |
SetCacheRuleConfig | Configures cache policies. |
BlockDomainUrl | Blocks or unblocks URLs. |
GetBlockUrlTask | Queries the progress and status of URL blocking or unblocking tasks. |
GetBlockUrlQuota | Queries the URL blocking quota. |
SetIpProtectionConfig | Configures an IP address blacklist or whitelist. |
SetVideoSeekConfig | Configures video seeking. |
SetHttpHeadersConfig | Configures an HTTP response header. |
DeleteHttpHeadersConfig | Deletes an HTTP response header. |
GetHttpHeaderList | Queries HTTP response headers. |
SetForceRedirectConfig | Configures forcible redirection. |
SetHttp2OptionConfig | Configures HTTP 2.0. |
SetPageCompressConfig | Configures intelligent compression. |
SetErrorPageConfig | Configures custom error pages. |
SetOriginAdvancedConfig | Configures advanced back-to-origin. |
SetRequestAuthConfig | Configures hotlinking prevention based on the timestamp and shared key. |
Operation | Description |
RefreshCaches | Refreshes content. |
PreloadCaches | Prefetches content. |
GetRefreshOrPreloadTask | Queries the progress and status of refresh or prefetch tasks. |
GetRefreshOrPreloadQuota | Queries the operation quota. |
Operation | Description |
GetCertificates | Queries certificates. |
SetCertificate | Updates a certificate. |
RemoveCertificates | Deletes certificates. |
ConfigCertificate | Configures a certificate. |
Pure Mode