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Last updated:2021-07-20 11:45:43
You can call this operation to obtain the number of unique IP addresses for specified domain names.
The API request contains the specified directory /2020-06-30/statistics/GetUvData, common request headers, and operation-specific request parameters. For more information, see the sample request.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
StartTime | Yes | String | The beginning of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm+0800 format. The time must be in UTC+8. Example: 2016-08-01T21:14+0800. |
EndTime | Yes | String | The end of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm+0800 format. The time must be in UTC+8. The end time must be later than the start time. Example: 2016-08-01T21:14+0800. |
CdnType | Yes | String | The business type. You can specify only one type at a time. Valid values: file, video, and page. |
Domains | No | String | The domain names to query. Separate multiple domain names with commas (,). By default, all domain names of the specified business type are queried. |
ResultType | No | String | Specifies whether to expand the statistics data. Valid values: unexpand and expand (expand by domain name). Default value: unexpand. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
StartTime | String | The beginning of the time range that is queried. |
EndTime | String | The end of the time range that is queried. |
CdnType | String | The business type. |
Domains | String | The domain names, separated with commas (,). |
ResultType | Long | Indicates whether the statistics data is expanded. |
RequestId | String | The ID of the request. A unique request ID is returned for each request. The request ID is required for troubleshooting. |
Datas | UvDataByTime[] | The number of unique IP addresses for each granular time period. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Time | String | The time point. |
Uv | Long | The total number of unique IP addresses for the specified domain names. |
Domains | UvDataByDomain[] | The number of unique IP addresses for each domain name. This parameter is returned when the ResultType parameter is set to expand. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Domain | String | The domain name. |
Uv | Long | The number of unique IP addresses for the domain name. |
Sample request
GET method:
GET /2020-06-30/statistics/GetUvData?StartTime=2020-09-01T08%3a00%2b0800&EndTime=2020-09-01T08%3a05%2b0800&CdnType=video
X-Amz-Date: date
Authorization:authorization string
x-action: GetUvData
x-version: 2020-06-30
POST method:
POST /2020-06-30/statistics/GetUvData
X-Amz-Date: date
Authorization:authorization string
x-action: GetUvData
x-version: 2020-06-30
Content-Type: application/json
Sample response
"StartTime": "2020-09-01T08:00+0800",
"EndTime": "2020-09-01T08:05+0800",
"CdnType": "video",
"Domains": "",
"ResultType": "unexpand",
"RequestId": "19676df1-e11d-46bf-bc6c-a1f1f2aee7ac",
"Datas": [
"Time": "2020-09-01 08:00:00",
"Uv": 35
Pure Mode