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Last updated:2021-07-20 11:45:43



You can call this operation to obtain the statistics data for all domain names of current account. The statistics data includes the traffic, traffic percentage, peak bandwidth, the time when bandwidth peaked, the number of requests for the domain name, and the percentage of the requests. The data can be sorted by traffic, peak bandwidth, or the number of requests.

  • You can query data by business type.
  • You can query data within the past year. The time granularity is one day.
  • Scenario:
    • Obtain the statistics data for all domain names of the current account. The statistics data includes the traffic, traffic percentage, peak bandwidth, the time when bandwidth peaked, the number of requests for the domain name, and the percentage of the requests. The data is sorted by traffic.

Request parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
StartTime Yes String The beginning of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm+0800 format. The time must be in UTC+8. Example: 2016-08-01T21:15+0800.
EndTime Yes String The end of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm+0800 format. The time must be in UTC+8. The end time must be later than the start time. Example: 2016-08-01T21:15+0800.
CdnType No String The business type. You can specify only one type at a time. Valid values: file, video, and page.
SortBy No String Specifies how the data is sorted. Valid values: bandwidth (sort by peak bandwidth), flow (sort by traffic) and pv (sort by the number of requests). Default value: flow.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
StartTime String The beginning of the time range that is queried.
EndTime String The end of the time range that is queried.
CdnType String The business type.
RequestId String The ID of the request. A unique request ID is returned for each request. The request ID is required for troubleshooting.
SortBy String Indicates how the data is sorted.
Datas DomainRankingList[] The statistics data, sorted in the specified order.


Parameter Type Description
Domain String The domain name.
Rank Long The ranking of the domain name.
Flow Long The sum of service traffic for the domain name in the specified time period.
FlowProportion Double The percentage of traffic for the domain name in all traffic in the specified time period.
Bw Long The peak bandwidth occurred in the specified time period.
PeakTime String The time when bandwidth peaked in the specified time period.
Pv Long The total number of requests for the domain name in the specified time period.
PvProportion Double The percentage of requests for the domain name in all requests in the specified time period.


Sample request

GET method:

GET /2020-06-30/statistics/GetDomainRankingListData?StartTime=2020-09-01T08%3a00%2b0800&EndTime=2020-09-01T08%3a05%2b0800&CdnType=video&SortBy=flow
X-Amz-Date: date
Authorization:authorization string
x-action: GetDomainRankingListData
x-version: 2020-06-30

POST method:

POST /2020-06-30/statistics/GetDomainRankingListData
X-Amz-Date: date
Authorization:authorization string
x-action: GetDomainRankingListData
x-version: 2020-06-30
Content-Type: application/json

Sample response

    "StartTime": "2020-09-01T08:00+0800",
    "EndTime": "2020-09-01T08:05+0800",
    "CdnType": "video",
    "SortBy": "flow",
    "Datas": [
            "Domain": "",
            "Rank": 1,
            "Flow": 257285,
            "FlowProportion": 3.0964726677548394E-4,
            "Bw": 6860,
            "PeakTime": "2020-09-01T08:00+0800",
            "Pv": 352,
            "PvProportion": 0.4077897102607769
    "RequestId": "a1742346-233f-42c1-9be2-4255ca9deca0"
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