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Last updated:2021-05-11 10:39:26
To create a Service using a private image, you must create and reference the corresponding secret. We recommend that you reference the secret by adding an imagePullSecrets section. For more information about imagePullSecrets, see Creating a Secret with a Docker config. The following sections describe how to create and reference a secret.
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry myregistrykey --docker-server=DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER --docker-username=DOCKER_USER --docker-password=DOCKER_PASSWORD --docker-email=DOCKER_EMAIL --namespace=NAMESPACE
secret "myregistrykey" created
——myregistrykey: the user-defined name of the secret.
——docker-service: the address of the image registry.
——docker-username: the username used to log in to the image registry.
——docker-password: the password used to log in to the image registry.
——docker-email: the email address.
——namespace: the namespace where you want to create a secret.
When you create a pod, add the imagePullSecrets section to the pod definition to reference the created secret.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test
namespace: default
- name: test
- name: myregistrykey
Notes: The preceding operations are required for all pods using private images. A pod can reference only the imagePullSecrets in the same namespace. Therefore, each namespace must be configured.
Pure Mode