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Last updated:2023-05-24 10:26:37

1. Description

You can call this operation to query the number of non-automatic snapshots.

2. Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
VolumeId String Yes The incoming hard disk id can obtain the number of snapshots that have been created by the disk, and only 3.0 hard disks are supported
Version String Yes The API version. Valid value: 2016-03-04.

3. Response parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
RequestId String Yes The request ID, which is unique. A request ID is returned for each request.
TotalNum Integer Yes The total number of snapshots that a user can create.
UsedNum Integer Yes The total number of snapshots that the user has created
VolumeUsedNum Integer Yes Specifies the number of snapshots that have been taken on the hard disk

4. Examples

Request parameters

Response parameters

    "RequestId": "111",
    "TotalNum": 7,
    "UsedNum": 0,
    "VolumeUsedNum": 0
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