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Last updated:2023-05-24 10:26:37

1. Description

You can call this operation to query local snapshots by EBS volume, availability zone, or EBS volume category.

2. Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
VolumeId String No The ID of the EBS volume. You can specify this parameter to query all snapshots of the EBS volume. If this parameter is specified, the VolumeCategory, SnapshotId, and AvailabilityZone parameters are invalid.
VolumeCategory String No The category to which the EBS volume belongs. Valid values: system and data. You can specify this parameter to query snapshots of EBS volumes that belong to the specified category.
SnapshotId String No The ID of the snapshot. You can specify this parameter to query the specified snapshot. If this parameter is specified, the VolumeId, VolumeCategory, and AvailabilityZone parameters are invalid.
AvailabilityZone String No The availability zone. You can specify this parameter to query snapshots of EBS volumes that reside in the specified availability zone.
SnapshotName String No The name of the snapshot. You can specify this parameter to query the specified snapshot.
PageNumber Integer No The number of the page to return. Default value: 1. Value range: 1 to intMax.
PageSize Integer No The number of entries to return on each page. Default value: 10. Value range: 1 to intMax.
Version String Yes The API version. Valid value: 2016-03-04.
Search String No Fuzzy queries based on snapshot IDs.

3. Response parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
RequestId String Yes The request ID, which is unique. A request ID is returned for each request.
Snapshots List No The list of information about the local snapshots. This parameter is not returned if no snapshot is available.

4. Examples

Request parameters

Response parameters

    "RequestId": "test",
    "Snapshots": [
            "SnapshotId": "90ba3ba6-6345-4dbb-8117-00803e5c9959",
            "SnapshotName": "snap_20200929_00",
            "VolumeId": "686c4a0a-99f9-4305-a88e-e037cc4b665b-a",
            "Size": 0,
            "CreateTime": "2020-09-29 00:00:01",
            "SnapshotStatus": "ERROR",
            "VolumeCategory": "system",
            "VolumeName": "ksc-686c4a0a-99f9-4305-a88e-e037cc4b665b-vda",
            "VolumeStatus": "deleted",
            "SnapshotType": "auto"
            "SnapshotId": "57578981-5842-4e9f-baeb-8306cb4a5c6e",
            "SnapshotName": "snap_20200929_00",
            "VolumeId": "bd7a5821-56f7-4695-8e7f-884c6dfe90a5-a",
            "Size": 0,
            "CreateTime": "2020-09-29 00:00:01",
            "SnapshotStatus": "ACTIVE",
            "VolumeCategory": "system",
            "VolumeName": "ksc-bd7a5821-56f7-4695-8e7f-884c6dfe90a5-vda",
            "VolumeStatus": "deleted",
            "SnapshotType": "auto"

    "Page": {
        "totalCount": 14,
        "pageSize": 10,
        "currentPage": 2,
        "nextPage": 3,
        "previousPage": 1,
        "totalPageCount": 2,
        "hasNext": false,
        "hasPrevious": true,
        "pageStartRow": 11,
        "showPageNum": 5,
        "pageList": [
        "pageEndRow": 14
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