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Last updated:2022-09-05 10:13:06

1. Description

You can call this operation to expand the capacity of the specified EBS volume.

The maximum capacity of an EBS volume that uses MBR partitioning is 2 TB. If the capacity exceeds this limit, the excess capacity cannot be used. You may need to expand the capacity of an EBS volume that uses MBR partitioning to more than 2 TB. In this case, we recommend that you create and attach a data disk that uses GPT partitioning and then copy the data to the new disk.


  1. You can expand but not shrink the capacity of an EBS volume.
  2. The types of EVS disks that support capacity expansion include: ESSD EBS volume (ESSD_PL1/ESSD_PL2/ESSD_PL3), EHDD, and SSD3.0 EBS volume (SSD3.0).
  3. You can expand the capacity of EBS volumes in the available state offline.
  4. If an EBS volume is attached to a KEC instance, you can expand the capacity of the EBS volume only when the KEC instance is in the active or stopped state. For more information about the limits on online and offline capacity expansion in different operating systems, see Overview.
  5. After the capacity of an EBS volume is expanded, the partition information and file system of the EBS volume are not automatically modified. You must manually format the extended storage space as required.

2. Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
VolumeId String Yes The ID of the EBS volume whose capacity is to be expanded in a KEC instance. The EBS volume and the KEC instance must reside in the same availability zone. The ID must be 36 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
Size Integer Yes The new capacity of the EBS volume after the capacity expansion, in GB. Value range: 10 to 32000. The new capacity must be greater than the original capacity. Step: 10 GB.
OnlineResize Boolean No Specifies whether to expand the capacity of the EBS volume online. Valid values:
● false (default): offline expansion. After the capacity of the EBS volume is expanded, you must restart the KEC instance in the console or through an API operation for the expansion to take effect.
● true: online expansion. After the capacity of the EBS volume is expanded, you do not need to restart the KEC instance.
Version String Yes The API version. Valid value: 2016-03-04.

3. Response parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
RequestId String Yes The request ID, which is unique. A request ID is returned for each request.
Return Boolean No Indicates whether the capacity of the EBS volume is expanded. True indicates yes.

4. Examples

Request parameters

Response parameters

  "RequestId": "6e2682a1-5968-42f5-80e5-284aae218df0",
  "Return": true
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