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Last updated:2021-07-16 15:31:59


You can call this operation to query the details of the estimated consumption by product code or project ID.
Note: You can query the details only of the estimated consumption in the previous and current months.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Length (number of characters) Format Description
Action String Yes Fixed value [a-zA-Z]+ The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to getPostpayDetailConsume.
Version String Yes Fixed value The version number of the API operation. Set the value to 2018-06-01.
BillMonth String Yes YYYY-MM The billing month. Example: 2018-06. This parameter is required.
ProductCode String No The code of the product based on which you query the details of the estimated consumption. Example: KEC. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify this parameter, the details of the estimated consumption of all products are returned. For more information about product codes, see GetProductCode.
ProjectId String No The ID of the project based on which you query the details of the estimated consumption. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify this parameter, the details of the estimated consumption of all projects are returned.
PageNo Integer No The number of the page to return. This parameter is optional. Default value: 0.
PageSize Integer No The number of entries to return on each page. This parameter is optional. Default value: 1. Valid values: 1 to 5000.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
RequestId String The ID of the request.
PageNo Integer The page number of the returned page.
PageSize Integer The number of entries returned per page.
Total Integer The total number of entries.
PostpayDetailBillSet PostpayDetailConsume array The details of the bill.

Error codes

Error code Error message HTTP status code Description
InvalidParameter There is one or more invalid parameter(%s)." 400 The error message returned because the %s parameter is invalid. For more information about the parameter, see %s.
Forbidden Request user %s forbidden request this api" 400 The error message returned because the user denies the API request. For more information about the user ID, see %s.
Server unavailable Server error 500 The error message returned because exceptions occur on the backend server.

Successful call examples

In the following example, the details of the estimated KEC consumption of the default project in August 2019 are queried.

Sample requests
&Common request parameters

Sample success responses

  • XML format
            <DetailBillStartTime>2019-08-01 00:00:00</DetailBillStartTime>
            <DetailBillEndTime>2019-08-01 23:59:59</DetailBillEndTime>
            <ProductSubTypeName>Local high-performance KEC instance</ProductSubTypeName>
            <ServiceStartTime>2015-09-21 23:14:32</ServiceStartTime>
            <RegionName>Yizhuang (VPC)</RegionName>
            <ZoneName>Availability zone A of CN North 1 (Beijing)</ZoneName>
                    <Key>Operating system</Key>
                    <Key>Networking Enhanced instance</Key>
                    <Key>Size of EBS SSD 3.0, in GB</Key>
                    <Key>Size of the SATA disk, in GB</Key>
                    <Key>Memory size, in GB</Key>
                    <Key>Package code</Key>
                    <Key>Number of CPU cores</Key>
                    <Key>SSD size, in GB</Key>
                    <Key>Public IP address</Key>
                    <Key>Private IP address</Key>
  • JSON format
    "Total": 63,
    "Error": null,
    "RequestId": "123",
    "PageSize": 1,
    "PostpayDetailBillSet": [
            "DetailBillNo": "000000000304994",
            "BillMonth": "2019-08",
            "CustomerId": "123456",
            "DetailBillStatDate": "2019-08-01",
            "DetailBillStartTime": "2019-08-01 00:00:00",
            "DetailBillEndTime": "2019-08-01 23:59:59",
            "ProductCode": "KEC",
            "ProductName": "KEC",
            "ProductSubTypeName": "Local high-performance KEC instance",
            "InstanceId": "cb48-af94-2b0746ff2431",
            "InstanceName": "Test",
            "Cost": "10.3645",
            "ServiceStartTime": "2018-09-21 23:14:32",
            "BillType": "Pay-By-Daily-Config",
            "BillDays": "1",
            "BillHours": "",
            "RegionName": "Yizhuang (VPC)",
            "ZoneName": "Availability zone A of CN North 1 (Beijing)",
            "MeasureAmount": "14.8100",
            "Discount": "0.7",
            "ProjectId": "0",
            "ProjectName": "",
            "ProviderSet": [
                    "Key": "Operating system",
                    "Value": "linux"
            "ConfigSet": [
                    "Key": "Networking Enhanced instance",
                    "Value": ""
                    "Key": "Size of EBS SSD 3.0, in GB",
                    "Value": ""
                    "Key": "Size of the SATA disk, in GB",
                    "Value": ""
                    "Key": "Memory size, in GB",
                    "Value": "8.0000"
                    "Key": "Package code",
                    "Value": "I0.None"
                    "Key": "Number of CPU cores",
                    "Value": "4.0000"
                    "Key": "SSD size, in GB",
                    "Value": "50.0000"
            "ExtraSet": [
                    "Key": "Public IP address",
                    "Value": ""
                    "Key": "Private IP address",
                    "Value": ""
            "TagSet": []
    "PageNo": 1
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