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Last updated:2022-06-22 19:53:08


You can call this operation to query the bill summary by instance ID. Note: You can query only the bills of the same month.

Request parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
Action Yes String The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeInstanceSummaryBills.
Version Yes String The version number of the API operation. Set the value to 2020-01-01.
BillMonth Yes String The billing month, which is in the format of YYYY-MM. You can query only the bills of the same month.
ProductCode No String The code of the product. Example: KEC. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify this parameter, the bills of all products are returned by default. For more information about product codes, see DescribeProductCode.
Page No Integer The number of the page to return. Default value: 1.
Size Yes Integer The number of entries to return on each page. Default value: 20. Valid values: 1 to 1000.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
CustomerId Long The ID of the customer.
Email String The email address for logging in to the Kingsoft Cloud console.
SummaryOverview InstanceSummaryBills array The bill summary by instance ID.
PageNum Integer The page number of the returned page.
PageSize Integer The number of entries returned per page.
TotalCount Integer The total number of entries.
RequestId String The ID of the request.

Successful call examples

Sample requests request parameters

Sample success responses

  • XML format
            <ProductSubTyeName>General Purpose N3</ProductSubTyeName>
            <DetailBillStartTime>2020-06-01 00:00:00</DetailBillStartTime>
            <DetailBillEndTime>2020-06-30 23:59:59</DetailBillEndTime>
            <ServiceBillStartTime>2019-02-26 10:50:45</ServiceBillStartTime>
            <RegionName>CN East 1 (Shanghai)</RegionName>
            <ZoneName>Availability zone B of CN East 1 (Shanghai)</ZoneName>
                    <Key>Number of CPU Cores</Key>
                    <Key>Size of EBS SSD 3.0, in GB</Key>
                    <Key>Memory size, in GB</Key>
                    <Key>Operating system</Key>
                    <Key>QA automated instance</Key>
                    <Value>Do not modify</Value>
  • JSON format
    "RequestId": "c5344294-9703-408d-9766-f8fa18faf6e2",
    "Email": "",
    "PageNum": 1,
    "PageSize": 1,
    "TotalCount": 43,
    "CustomerId": 123456,
    "SummaryOverview": [
            "BillsNo": "000000000552791",
            "CustomerBillMonth": "2020-06",
            "BillMonth": "2020-06",
            "ProductName": "KEC",
            <ProductSubTyeName>General Purpose N3</ProductSubTyeName>
            "InstanceId": "32ee9517-6ef5-4f3c-b702-219e712a3608",
            "InstanceName": "KscPlatformQa",
            "Currency": "CNY",
            "DetailBillStartTime": "2020-06-01 00:00:00",
            "DetailBillEndTime": "2020-06-30 23:59:59",
            "ServiceBillStartTime": "2019-02-26 10:50:45",
            "PayMode": "Postpaid",
            "BillTypeName": "Pay-By-Daily-Config",
            "RegionName": "CN East 1 (Shanghai)",
            "ZoneName": "Availability zone B of CN East 1 (Shanghai)",
            "ProjectName": "kvmProject",
            "Duration": "2592000",
            "Remark": "",
            "Cost": "856.000000",
            "RealCost": "642.000000",
            "ConfigSet": [
                    "Key": "Number of CPU cores",
                    "Code": "CPU",
                    "Value": "8.0000"
                    "Key": "Size of EBS SSD 3.0, in GB",
                    "Code": "ebs_ssd3.0_systemDisks",
                    "Value": "200.0000"
                    "Key": "Memory size, in GB",
                    "Code": "MEMORY",
                    "Value": "16.0000"
                    "Key": "Package",
                    "Code": "pkg",
                    "Value": "N3.8B"
            "ProviderSet": [
                    "Key": "Operating system",
                    "Code": "opstype",
                    "Value": "linux"
            "ConsumeResources": [],
            "ExtraSet": [
                    "Key": "kvm_fixed_ip",
                    "Value": ""
                    "Key": "kvm_floating_ip",
                    "Value": ""
            "TagSet": [
                    "Key": "QA automated instance",
                    "Value": "Do not modify"
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