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Data types

Last updated:2022-07-15 17:02:43

Data types


  • The bill summary by billing mode.
  • Referenced API operation: DescribeBillSummaryByPayMode.
Parameter Type Description
PayMode String The billing mode, including Prepaid, Pay-As-You-Go, and Postpaid.
RealTotalCost String The discounted amount.
BillMonth String The billing month, which is in the format of YYYY-MM.


  • The bill summary by product.
  • Referenced API operation: DescribeBillSummaryByProduct.
Parameter Type Description
ProductCode String The code of the product.
ProductName String The name of the product.
RealTotalCost String The discounted amount.
Reward String Reward payment
Voucher String Voucher credit
CloudTicketCost String Cloud ticket payment
Cash String Amount payable in cash
BillMonth String The billing month, which is in the format of YYYY-MM.


  • The bill summary by project.
  • Referenced API operation: DescribeBillSummaryByProject.
Parameter Type Description
ProjectId Long The ID of the project.
ProjectName String The name of the project.
RealTotalCost String The discounted amount.
BillMonth String The billing month, which is in the format of YYYY-MM.


  • The bill summary by instance ID.
  • Referenced API operation: DescribeInstanceSummaryBills.
Parameter Type Description
BillsNo String The No. of the bill.
CustomerBillMonth String The bill settlement month.
BillMonth String The billing month.
ProductName String The name of the product.
ProductSubTypeName String The type of the product.
InstanceId String The ID of the instance.
InstanceName String The name of the instance.
Currency String The currency type.
DetailBillStartTime String The start time of the bill.
DetailBillEndTime String The end time of the bill.
ServiceBillStartTime String The start time of the service.
PayMode String The billing mode, including Prepaid, Pay-As-You-Go, and Postpaid.
BillTypeName String The billing type.
RegionName String The region where you use the instance.
ZoneName String The availability zone where you use the instance.
ProjectName String The name of the project.
Duration String The billing duration, in seconds.
Remark String The remarks about the bill. Remarks are provided when subscription is canceled in prepaid scenarios or when the bill is adjusted in postpaid scenarios. Special remarks are added for Pay-As-You-Go scenarios. For example, in No Fees Upon Shutdown mode, the non-charged duration is marked with a note indicating that the non-charged amount has been excluded.
Cost String The original amount.
RealCost String The final amount.
ConfigSet DetailItem array The configuration and usage information.
ProviderSet DetailItem array The price impact factor. This parameter is not returned if no price impact factor is available.
ConsumeResources KvPair array The resource package offset information, which contains the charged usage and offset usage. This parameter is not returned if no resource package is available.
ExtraSet KvPair array The extra information. This parameter is not returned if no extra information is available.
TagSet KvPair array The tag. This parameter is not returned if no tag is available.


  • A data structure containing the Key, Value, and Code parameters.
  • Referenced API operation: DescribeInstanceSummaryBills.
Parameter Type Description
Key String The key of data. If the data is a billing item with a unit, this parameter indicates the name and unit of the billing item.
Code String The code of data. If the data is a billing item, this parameter indicates the code of the billing item.
Value String The value of data. If the data is a billing item, this parameter indicates the usage of the billing item.


  • A key-value 2-tuple.
  • Referenced API operation: DescribeInstanceSummaryBills.
Parameter Type Description
Key String The key of data. If the data is resource package offset information or extra information, this parameter indicates the code of the information item.
Value String The value of data.
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