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Last updated:2021-05-27 17:52:42
Error code | Error message | HTTP status code | Description |
MissingAuthenticationToken | Request is missing 'Host' header. | 403 | The error message returned because Host is not specified in the request header. |
MissingAuthenticationToken | Request is missing Authentication Token. | 403 | The error message returned because the authentication token is not specified in the request header. |
MissingAuthenticationToken | %s not in Http Header. | 403 | The error message returned because the %s parameter is not specified in the HTTP header. |
SignatureDoesNotMatch | 'Host' must be a 'SignedHeader' in the Authorization. | 403 | The error message returned because Host is required in SignedHeaders of the request. |
SignatureDoesNotMatch | Credential should be scoped with a valid terminator: 'aws4_request', not: %s. | 403 | The error message returned because the credential scope in the Authorization header must end with aws4_request . |
SignatureDoesNotMatch | Credential should be scoped to a valid region, not:%s. | 403 | The error message returned because the region name in the credential scope in the Authorization header is invalid. |
SignatureDoesNotMatch | Credential should be scoped to correct service: %s. | 403 | The error message returned because the service name in the credential scope in the Authorization header is invalid. |
SignatureDoesNotMatch | The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. | 403 | The error message returned because the signature in the request does not match the calculated signature. |
SignatureDoesNotMatch | Signature expired:%s. | 403 | The error message returned because the signature has expired. |
SignatureDoesNotMatch | Date in Credential scope does not match YYYYMMDD from ISO-8601 version of date from HTTP. | 403 | The error message returned because the date in the credential scope in the Authorization header must be in the ISO 8601 basic format: YYYYMMDD. |
InvalidClientTokenId | The security token included in the request is invalid. | 403 | The error message returned because the AccessKeyID in the request is invalid. |
AccessDenied | User: %s is not authorized to perform: %s. | 403 | The error message returned because user %s is not authorized to access %s. |
IncompleteSignature | Date must be in ISO-8601 'basic format'. Got '%s'. See | 400 | The error message returned because the date must be in the ISO 8601 basic format. For more information about the format, see |
IncompleteSignature | KSC query-string parameters must include %s. Re-examine the query-string parameters. | 400 | The error message returned because X-Amz-Algorithm , X-Amz-Credential , X-Amz-SignedHeaders , and X-Amz-Date are not specified in the request. |
IncompleteSignature | Unsupported ksc 'algorithm': %s. | 400 | The error message returned because only the AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 algorithm is supported. |
IncompleteSignature | Authorization header requires 'Credential' parameter. Authorization=%s. | 400 | The error message returned because Credential is not specified in the Authorization header. |
IncompleteSignature | Credential must have exactly 5 slash-delimited elements, e.g. accesskeyid/date/region/service/aws4_request, got: %s. | 400 | The error message returned because Credential in the Authorization header must contain at least five fields delimited by forward slashes (/)-, for example, keyid/date/region/service/aws4_request. |
IncompleteSignature | Authorization header format error. | 400 | The error message returned because the Authorization header is in an invalid format. |
IncompleteSignature | Authorization header requires existence of either a 'X-Amz-Date' or a 'Date' header, Authorization=%s | 400 | The error message returned because the X-Amz-Date or Date header is not specified in the request. |
IncompleteSignature | Authorization header requires 'Signature' parameter. Authorization=%s | 400 | The error message returned because the signature is not specified in the Authorization header. |
IncompleteSignature | Authorization header requires 'SignedHeaders' parameter. Authorization=%s | 400 | The error message returned because signed headers are not specified in the Authorization header. |
ServiceUnavailable | Exception %s | 500 | The error message returned because the service is temporarily unavailable. |
ServiceUnavailable | Auth Service is unavailable because of an unknown error, exception or failure | 500 | The error message returned because the authentication or authorization service is temporarily unavailable. |
ServiceUnavailable | Request was rejected because it referenced an 'InnerApi' that does not have an internal service | 404 | The error message returned because the referenced inner API does not have an internal service and the request is denied. |
ServiceUnavailable | OpenAPI or Service is unavailable because of an unknown error, exception or failure. | 500 | The error message returned because the API or service is temporarily unavailable. |
DryRunOperation | Request would have succeeded, but DryRun flag is set | 412 | The error message returned because the request fails due to the DryRun tag. |
NoSuchEntity | Request was rejected because it referenced an 'InnerApi' that does not exist. | 404 | The error message returned because the referenced inner API does not exist and the request is denied. |
LimitExceeded | Request was rejected because the request speed of this openAPI is beyond the current flow control limit. | 409 | The error message returned because the traffic of the API has reached the upper limit and the request is denied. |
InvalidParameterValue | An invalid or out-of-range value was supplied for the input parameter %s. | 400 | The error message returned because the value of the %s input parameter is invalid or out of range. |
InvalidMethod | The method %s for is not valid for this web service. | 400 | The error message returned because the %s method is not applicable to the current web service. |
MissingParameter | An value must be supplied for the input parameter %s. | 400 | The error message returned because the %s input parameter is not specified. |
InvalidQueryParameter | The query parameter %s is malformed or does not adhere to KSC standards. | 400 | The error message returned because the %s query parameter is in an invalid format, does not exist, or does not comply with Kingsoft Cloud standards. |
ServiceTimeout | Internal Service is unavailable because of time out. | 500 | The error message returned because the internal service is temporarily unavailable due to timeout. |
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