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split item bills

Last updated:2022-02-28 18:01:22


In Kingsoft Cloud, shared costs may be charged for sub-items of services. For example, Kingsoft Cloud Standard Storage Service (KS3) costs are consolidated costs of all buckets, and Kingsoft Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) costs are consolidated costs of all domain names. In the two services, the bucket and the domain name are split items. Kingsoft Cloud provides separate bills based on each split item. A split item bill describes the usage and costs of a split item, providing a reference for internal bill splitting. The data in split item bills is aggregated based on the billing items in actual bills.


1. Applicable service

  • Service KS3
  • Sub-item The costs of KS3 are charged for buckets. Note: The split item bill service supports only KS3. You can query only the split item bills of KS3.

2. Logic of bill splitting

  • [1] For a service that supports bill splitting, the service costs are allocated to split items based on the usage percentage of each split item in the total usage of all split items. Reconciliation and precision difference bills are not incorporated in allocation.
  • [2] Allocation logic: The percentages of split items are calculated in descending order. The smallest percentage is calculated by subtracting the percentages of other split items from 100%.

3. Console

  • [1] You must activate the split item bill service before you can use it. After the service is activated, you can query split item bills since the month of activation. No split item bills will be generated for the months before the activation.
  • [2] In the console, you can view the costs allocated to each split item in each shared consumption.
  • [3] On the Split Bill page, you can specify bill columns to display and export bills as on the Bill Details page.

4. API You can call an API operation to query split item bills. You must activate the split item bill service before you can call the API operation. For more information, see DescribeSplitItemBillDetails.DescribeSplitItemBillDetails

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