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Compare local files

Last updated:2020-11-27 10:35:17

Information about local comparison

Comparison Type

Valid values: Image and Video.

Sample Amount

Images: 2 On-demand or live videos: 2, 3, or 4

Upload type

Images: image file or folder On-demand videos: video file or folder Live videos: live streaming address.

Live video formats


Create a local comparison task for comparing images

Step Description
1 Log in to the KQoE console and click Local Comparison in the left navigation pane.
2 Upload samples, for example, files or folders. You can upload only two samples in each local comparison task for comparing images.
3 Click Comparison in the upper-right corner to compare the uploaded samples.

Create a local comparison task for comparing on-demand videos

Step Description
1 Log in to the KQoE console and click Local Comparison in the left navigation pane.
2 Upload samples, for example, files or folders. You can upload two, three, or four samples in each local comparison task for comparing on-demand videos.
3 Click Comparison in the upper-right corner to compare the uploaded samples.

Create a local comparison task for comparing live videos

Step Description
1 Log in to the KQoE console and click Local Comparison in the left navigation pane.
2 Enter live streaming addresses. You can enter two, three, or four live streaming addresses in each local comparison task for comparing live videos.
3 Click Comparison in the upper-right corner to compare the specified live videos.
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