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Regions and availability zones

Last updated:2020-12-02 17:22:36

Basic concepts

When you purchase a KCS instance, you must specify a region. You cannot change the region of the KCS instance after the purchase. KCS must be used together with other Kingsoft Cloud services, such as Kingsoft Cloud Elastic Compute (KEC). If you want to use a KCS instance with KEC instances, you must specify the region where the KEC instances reside.

Availability zones refer to physical data centers located in the same region, with their electrical and network infrastructure isolated from each other. Due to physical isolation, availability zones are completely independent from one another. However, cloud resources under the same account of a user can communicate with each other across availability zones through private IP addresses. This access method is characterized by low latency and high availability.

For more information about regions and availability zones, see Regions and availability zones.

List of regions and availability zones

KCS instances are classified into primary/secondary instances and cluster instances. The following table lists the types of instances supported in different regions and availability zones.

Region Availability zone Supported instance types
  • cn-beijing-6a
  • cn-beijing-6b
  • cn-beijing-6c
Primary/Secondary instance and cluster instance
  • cn-shanghai-2a
  • cn-shanghai-2b
Primary/Secondary instance and cluster instance
cn-guangzhou-1 cn-guangzhou-1a Primary/Secondary instance and cluster instance
cn-hongkong-2 cn-hongkong-2a Primary/Secondary instance
ap-singapore-1 ap-singapore-1a Primary/Secondary instance and cluster instance
  • eu-east-1a
  • eu-east-1b
Primary/Secondary instance and cluster instance
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