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Kingsoft Cloud Real-name Authentication Instructions

Last updated:2021-12-30 20:14:14

Kingsoft Cloud (hereinafter from time to time referred to as "we" or "us") will provide users (hereinafter referred to as "you") with the real-name authentication service according to Kingsoft Cloud Real-name Authentication Instructions (hereinafter referred to as "the Instructions"). If you purchase or use any resource or service provided by the Internet Data Center(IDC)in mainland China, you need to complete the real-name authentication as below.
We will strictly abide by the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China. We will solicit your consent if your sensitive personal data or personal data sharing is involved. You can complete individual real-name authentication by using your identity card(for mainland China resident only), bank card, or other personal identity documents: (1) If you use your identity card for real-name authentication, you must submit your identity card information and a video of your face(for Mainland China resident only). (2) If you use your bank card for real-name authentication, you must submit your bank card information, the phone number used to open the bank account, and an image of your face. (3) If you use a personal identity document of another type for real-name authentication, you must provide the image of the identity document, such as the passport or driver's license issued by the governments of countries and regions outside Mainland China or the home visit permit for Hong Kong and Macao residents. You can complete enterprise real-name authentication by using the corporate account or corporate certificate of your enterprise. If you use the corporate certificate for enterprise real-name authentication, you must submit the identity card of the legal representative or a letter of authorization and the identity card of the authorized person. You agree to provide the identity information, bank card information, and other information that you submit to Kingsoft Cloud to trusted third-party identity authentication authorities for identity and compliance authentication. We require such third-party authorities to use your personal information in a legal and compliant manner and to fulfill the obligation of protecting your personal information. Your information will be transmitted over an encrypted channel. Kingsoft Cloud keeps the above-mentioned personal information for no longer than the time prescribed by law or for as long as necessary for contract performance. We undertake that the personal information you provide for real-name authentication will not be used for other purposes without your permission. Kingsoft Cloud values your privacy. We have set up a dedicated team and appointed a leader to protect your personal information and will take all legal measures to protect your privacy and the relevant rights and interests. If you select the check box of the Instructions, you can purchase and use services that require real-name authentication. If you do not select the check box of the Instructions, you can still browse our website to learn about our services. If you have any questions or comments, contact us by submitting a ticket in the Kingsoft Cloud console, at the customer service phone number 400-1070-808, or at the email address

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