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Last updated:2020-12-28 14:55:22
Item | Description |
Project | A single user can create up to 50 projects. |
LogPool | A single project can contain up to 200 LogPools. |
Partition | A single LogPool can contain up to 64 partitions. |
Partition adjustment | You can modify the number of partitions for at most three times per day. Modification is not supported until 5 hours after the last modification. |
Storage period | Log data can be stored for up to 3,000 days. |
Item | Description |
LogGroup | The data volume of a LogGroup cannot exceed 3 MB or 4,096 logs. |
Value | The value in each log cannot exceed 1 MB. |
Key-value pair | The number of key-value pairs in each log cannot exceed 1,000. |
Note: A request fails if one of the conditions is not met.
Item | Description |
Query concurrency | A single project supports up to 15 concurrent queries. |
Data size of a single column | The data size of a single column in the returned query result cannot exceed 2,048 bytes. The excessive data is truncated. |
Data records returned | An SQL query returns 200 data records by default. If you want more data to be returned, add a LIMIT clause. An SQL query with a LIMIT clause can return up to 1,000 data records. |
Nested query | An SQL query with a subquery is not supported. |
JOIN query | An SQL query with a JOIN clause is not supported. |
GROUP BY | A GROUP BY clause supports up to five dimensions. |
Item | Description |
Dashboard | A single project can contain up to 50 dashboards. |
Chart | A single dashboard can contain up to 20 charts. |
Item | Description |
Alarm rule | A single user can create up to 100 alarm rules. |
Time span | The time span of data queried for an alarm rule cannot exceed 24 hours. |
Pure Mode