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Alarm configuration

Last updated:2024-05-27 11:44:38

The alarm policy function is supported on KEC, EIP, NAT, Redis, KRDS, and MongoDB. Use an alarm policy to send alarm messages that meet alarm rules to the designated alarm recipient. In this example, a KEC alarm policy is used.

Add an alarm policy

  1. In the Alarm Policy page, click Add Alarm Policy.

  2. Select the alarm trigger rule. An alarm will be triggered when any alarm rule meets the requirement.

  3. Set the default alarm policy.

    You can set existing policy as the default policy in the Alarm Policy list. The default policy will be added to new KEC instances automatically.



  • Each cloud service can have only one default policy.

  • The default policy cannot be deleted, but can be modified.

  1. Select the corresponding alarm object. You can select instances in different regions or select all available instances.

  2. Set the alarm recipients to receive the alarm via SMS and email.


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