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Connect KCI to a Kubernetes cluster

Last updated:2021-08-30 17:22:08

Kingsoft Cloud Container Instance (KCI) provides a serverless container service. KCI enables you to run containers in the cloud without having to purchase or manage the underlying servers, nor caring about how these containers are deployed or scheduled on the underlying physical resources.

Virtual Kubelet is an open source Kubernetes Kubelet implementation. Virtual nodes are implemented by using Virtual Kubelet. Virtual nodes allow KCI to serve as pods in a Kubernetes cluster. More precisely, KCI schedules and manages pod resources, and Kubernetes manages business loads as the business orchestration platform.

After KCI manages the infrastructure beneath pods, Kubernetes no longer needs to create or start pods or manage resource utilization of the underlying virtual machines. Instead, KCI ensures the availability of the resources that the pods need.

Connect KCI to a Kubernetes cluster.PNG

This topic describes how to connect KCI to a Kubernetes cluster by using virtual nodes.


  • You have created a Kubernetes cluster on Kingsoft Cloud. For more information, see Create a cluster.
  • You have activated KCI.

Deploy virtual nodes

You can deploy virtual nodes in both Kubernetes clusters of Kingsoft Cloud Container Engine (KCE) and Kubernetes clusters built by yourself on Kingsoft Cloud.


The following table describes the items that you must prepare before you deploy Virtual Kubelet.

Environment variable Description Required
KCI_ACCESS_KEY Your AccessKeyID. For more information about how to obtain an AccessKeyID, see Create an AccessKey for an IAM user No. However, this variable is required if the TEMP_AKSK_CM variable is not set.
KCI_SECRET_KEY Your SecretAccessKey. For more information about how to obtain a SecretAccessKey, see Create an AccessKey for an IAM user No. However, this variable is required if the TEMP_AKSK_CM variable is not set.
TEMP_AKSK_CM The ConfigMap of the temporary AccessKeyID or SecretAccessKey in a KCE cluster. The original ConfigMap name in the kube-system namespace is user-temp-aksk. No. However, this variable is required if the KCI_ACCESS_KEY and KCI_SECRET_KEY variables are not set.
KCI_CLUSTER_ID The ID of the cluster. If the cluster is a KCE cluster, the value of this variable is the same as the value of ClusterId of the cluster.
If the cluster is built by yourself, you must define a unique identifier as the cluster ID. The UUID format is recommended.
KCI_REGION The region name. For more information about regions that KCI supports, see Regions. Yes
KCI_SUBNET_ID The subnet of the KCI pod. No. If no subnet ID is specified here, you must specify it when you create a KCI pod.
KCI_SECURITY_GROUP_IDS The security group(s) to which the KCI pod belongs. You can specify multiple security groups and separate them with commas (,). Up to three security groups are supported. No. If no security group is specified here, you must specify a security group when you create a KCI pod.

Sample YAML file

The following YAML file is used to deploy virtual nodes in a Kubernetes cluster built by yourself. You can modify the parameters in the file as required.


apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: virtual-kubelet-sa
  namespace: kube-system


kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: virtual-kubelet-rb
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
  - apiGroup: ""
    kind: ServiceAccount
    name: virtual-kubelet-sa
    namespace: kube-system


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: virtual-kubelet
  namespace: kube-system
    k8s-app: virtual-kubelet
  replicas: 1
      k8s-app: virtual-kubelet
      name: virtual-kubelet
        k8s-app: virtual-kubelet
      serviceAccountName: virtual-kubelet-sa
        - name: virtual-kubelet
            - --provider=kingsoftcloud
            # Specify the name of the virtual node. The name must conform to the naming rules for Kubernetes resources and be different from existing node names.
            - --nodename=${nodename_string}  
            # If the dnsPolicy field of the pod is set to ClusterFirst, specify the DNS address of the cluster. Multiple DNS addresses must be separated with commas (,).
            - --cluster-dns=${cluster-dns_string}
            # If the dnsPolicy field of the pod is set to Default, specify the DNS address of the virtual node. Multiple DNS addresses must be separated with commas (,).
            - --cluster-dns=${cluster-dns_string}
            # Specify the domain name of the cluster. Default value: cluster.local.
            - --cluster-domain=${cluster-domain_string}
            # Specify whether to delete the default taint generated when the virtual node is created. If the default taint is deleted, new pods can be scheduled to the node.
            - --disable-taint
            # Specify whether to use Leases for node heartbeats. We recommend that you use Leases for Kubernetes 1.13 and later.
            - --enable-node-lease   
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - name: VKUBELET_POD_IP
                  fieldPath: status.podIP
            - name: KCI_ACCESS_KEY
              value: ${access_key}
            - name: KCI_SECRET_KEY
              value: ${secret_key}
            - name: KCI_REGION
              value: ${kci_region}  
            - name: KCI_CLUSTER_ID
              value: ${cluster_id} 
            - name: KCI_SUBNET_ID
              value: ${subnet_id}  
            - name: KCI_SECURITY_GROUP_IDS
              value: ${security_group_ids}  
            # Specify whether to enable kube-proxy for the virtual node. If kube-proxy is enabled, KCI pods scheduled to the virtual node are allowed to access ClusterIP services.
            - name: KCI_KUBE_PROXY
              value: ${true/false}   
            # If kube-proxy is enabled for a cluster built by yourself, you need to specify the API server address of the cluster in the format of IP address:Port number.
            - name: KCI_CLUSTER_SERVER
              value: ${cluster_server}
            # If the API server address is not specified and the cluster is not allowed to access the Internet, you can configure the following environment variable to call the Kingsoft Cloud API over the internal network:
            - name: KCI_REQUEST_INTERNAL

Deploy virtual nodes and check the status of the deployed virtual nodes.

# kubectl apply -f vk-sa-rb.yaml
# kubectl apply -f vk.yaml
# kubectl get node
NAME                STATUS   ROLES   AGE     VERSION         Ready    node    3d18h   v1.17.6          Ready    node    3d18h   v1.17.6
virtual-kubelet01   Ready    agent   55m     v1.17.6-vk-v1.6.0

Appendix: Parameter settings of Virtual Kubelet

The following table describes the parameters required for deploying Virtual Kubelet.

Parameter Description Required
nodename The name of the node. Default value: virtual-kubelet. No
cluster-dns The DNS address of the cluster. Multiple DNS addresses must be separated with commas (,). This parameter is applicable when the dnsPolicy field of the pod is set to ClusterFirst. No
virtual-node-dns The DNS address of the virtual node. Multiple DNS addresses must be separated with commas (,). This parameter is applicable when the dnsPolicy field of the pod is set to Default. No
cluster-domain The domain name of the cluster. Default value: cluster.local. No
disable-taint Specifies whether to delete the default taint generated when the virtual node is created. If the default taint is deleted, new pods can be scheduled to the node. No
enable-node-lease Specifies whether to use Leases for node heartbeats. We recommend that you use Leases for Kubernetes 1.13 and later. No

Note: KCI supports the dnsConfig field. You can also configure the DNS address for the pod by using the dnsPolicy and dnsConfig fields. If the DNS service is a ClusterIP service, enable kube-proxy for the pod to allow the pod to access ClusterIP services.

Schedule pods to virtual nodes

When KCI pods are created through virtual nodes in a Kubernetes cluster, you can define template annotations in the YAML file to bind pods to security groups and allocate resources. The following table describes the annotations that KCI supports.

Annotation key Sample annotation value Required Description 4 No The number of CPU cores of the KCI pod. Unit: core. The value must comply with the supported specifications of the KCI pod. 8 No The memory size of the KCI pod. Unit: GiB. The value must comply with the supported specifications of the KCI pod. For more information, see Resource specifications. xxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxx No You can enter multiple values. When Virtual Kubelet starts, a default security group can be configured based on the parameter settings. By default, KCI pods for a virtual node is created in the security group. To create a KCI pod in another security group in the same VPC, specify the security group through an annotation. xxxxxxx No When Virtual Kubelet starts, a default subnet can be configured based on the parameter settings. By default, KCI pods for a virtual node is created in the subnet. To create a KCI pod in another subnet in the same VPC, specify the subnet through an annotation. true/false No Default value: false. If this parameter is set to true, kube-proxy is enabled for the pod to allow it to access ClusterIP services in the cluster. 100M No The inbound bandwidth limit of the KCI pod, in Gbit/s, Mbit/s, or kbit/s. If no unit is specified, the bandwidth limit is measured in bit/s by default.
Valid values: 1–1,024 Mbit/s. Default value: 1,024 Mbit/s. 100M No The outbound bandwidth limit of the KCI pod, in Gbit/s, Mbit/s, or kbit/s. If no unit is specified, the bandwidth limit is measured in bit/s by default.
Valid values: 1–1,024 Mbit/s. Default value: 1,024 Mbit/s.


  1. To specify the specifications of a KCI pod, you need to set both the and parameters. Values of the parameters must comply with the specifications supported by KCI. For more information, see Resource specifications.
  2. If the specifications of a KCI pod are not specified, KCE automatically adjusts the pod specifications. For more information, see Specify KCI pod specifications.
  3. The taint is generated by default when a virtual node is created. To schedule a KCI pod to the virtual node, you can configure a toleration for the pod or specify the node for scheduling.

Sample workload YAML file (specify the node for scheduling):

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-kci
    app: nginx
  replicas: 3
      app: nginx
            "" : "4"
            "" : "8"
            app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:latest
      nodeName: virtual-kubelet01

Sample workload YAML file (configure a toleration):

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-kci
    app: nginx
  replicas: 3
      app: nginx
            "" : "4"
            "" : "8"
            app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:latest
      - key: ""
        operator: "Equal"
        value: "kingsoftcloud"
        effect: "NoSchedule"

Note: You must configure annotations in PodSpec rather than DeploymentSpec.


Log in to the KCE console. On the Cluster page, click the name of the cluster that you want to manage. On the page that appears, choose Workload > Deployment in the left navigation pane to view the status of resource deployment.

Deployment status:


Pod status: image.png

Log in to the KCI console and view the creation status of KCI pods.



After Kubernetes is integrated with KCI, KCI runs on a virtual node instead of an actual Kubernetes node. As a result, the following Kubernetes-native features that are dependent on Kubernetes nodes, Kubelet, or kube-proxy are not supported:

  • Running DaemonSet pods on virtual nodes is not supported.
  • HostPath volumes are not supported.
  • Running containers in privileged mode is not supported.
  • Readiness probe and liveness probe are not supported.
  • Running an init container is not supported.
  • Services whose type is NodePort are not supported.
  • Setting Pod to HostNetwork is not supported.
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