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Monitoring metrics

Last updated:2020-12-03 20:54:15

Kingsoft Cloud Container Instance (KCI) can be monitored from the following dimensions:

  1. Container group

  2. Containers in a container group

Container group metrics

Item Metric Unit Description
CPU utilization of a container group pod.cpu.usage.rate % The CPU utilization of the container group during the sampling cycle.
CPU usage of a container group pod.cpu.usage Core The number of CPU cores that the container group used during the sampling cycle.
Memory utilization of a container group pod.memory.usage.rate % The memory utilization of the container group during the sampling cycle.
Memory usage of a container group pod.memory.usage MiB The size of the memory that the container group used.
Inbound network traffic to the container group Byte/second The number of bytes that the container group received from the network.
Outbound network traffic from the container group Byte/second The number of bytes that the container group sent to the network.

Container metrics

Item Metric Unit Description
CPU usage of a container container.cpu.usage Core The number of CPU cores that the container used during the sampling cycle.
Memory usage of a container container.memory.usage MiB The size of the memory that the container used during the sampling cycle.
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