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Last updated:2020-06-23 17:48:03

EPC offers several advantages over self-built data centers, enabling you to build your private cloud faster. Additionally, Kingsoft Cloud provides services such as Peering, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Server Load Balancing (SLB), NAT gateway, O&M, monitoring, and security protection.

EPC Self-built data center
Elastic On-demand purchase, flexible deployment
1. You can flexibly define EPC instance configurations, including the instance type, image, bonding, and dual network interface cards (NICs), and you can upgrade configurations as needed. Kingsoft Cloud provides all accessories used for configuration upgrade, on-site upgrade service in data centers, and the warranty service after the upgrade.
2. EPC provides a flexible billing cycle, allowing you to purchase resources on demand and rapidly expand your cluster to meet the peak demand.
Lack of elasticity and flexibility
If you upgrade configurations by yourself, the vendor may not provide the warranty service for you. You need to purchase a large number of devices to meet temporary capacity expansion needs, and will experience excessive performance and asset depreciation issues after the peak time.
Easy-to-use Out-of-box service, quick deployment
After EPC hardware configurations are defined, you can also specify the installation requirements including the operating system, custom image, and RAID level at any time. You can stop, start, or restart the EPC instance, change the network configuration, and reinstall the system online by using the console or API. You can also perform out-of-band management.
Time-consuming and troublesome
You must contact on-site engineers in data centers to complete server operations, which is troublesome and time-consuming.
Comprehensive Integrate various cloud services
Kingsoft Cloud data centers in different places are connected through Peering. EPC can be used together with cloud services including VPC, SLB, NAT gateway, EIP, KEC, KS3, and KRDS.
High building cost
You need to deploy leased lines for internal communication, which is costly. You also need to deploy services such as load balancing and NAT gateway.
Secure Fully secured with professional protection
1. VPC allows you to customize IP addresses, and control access policies through ACLs and security groups. You can decide which instances are private and which are open to ensure node security.
2. You can use basic security services free of charge, including 5 Gbps DDoS protection, intrusion detection, vulnerability scanning, web page Trojan detection, and login protection. This creates a security layer to safeguard your business.
3. The data is secured with multiple RAID levels, and SSH key login is provided, eliminating security issues.
The security service must be purchased separately.
Worry-free 24/7 O&M service
1. Kingsoft Cloud purchases physical servers from first-class vendors to ensure hardware reliability, and has a dedicated hardware backup pool in data centers. If a component fails, it will be replaced directly upon professional diagnosis by on-site engineers.
2. Kingsoft Cloud provides 24/7 O&M service and 1-to-1 after-sales service, and provides you with professional and visualized system monitoring service and alerting service. If a problem occurs, it can be solved immediately.
Lack of warranty
You need to maintain the equipment out of the warranty period by yourself and may not have the maintenance expertise.
Cost-saving On-demand purchase, usage-based payment
1. EPC supports Subscription and Pay-By-Daily-Config billing modes. You can purchase resources on demand and only pay for what you use, without the need to invest a large amount of funds at a time. This helps you save costs.
2. You can customize the configurations of physical servers and can adjust the configurations as needed.
High investment risk, high O&M cost
1. To prevent losses due to hardware failures, you must stock a large number of parts or purchase the warranty service and field service from vendors.
2. You will face high costs and high investment risks because you must purchase a large number of physical servers at a time and the equipment depreciation problem exists.
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