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Create a file system and view its mount target

Last updated:2021-11-15 20:30:32

Create a file system

  1. Activate Kingsoft Cloud File Storage (KFS).
  2. Log in to the KFS console.
  3. Click File System in the left navigation pane. On the File System page, click Create File System.
  4. In the Create File System dialog box, set the parameters. 1.png
  • Data Center: the region in which you want to create the file system. Valid values: CN North 1(Beijing), CN East 1(Shanghai), and CN South 1(Guangzhou).
  • Availability Zone: the availability zone in which you want to create the file system.
  • Storage Type: the type of the file system. Set the value to Capacity.
  • Protocol Type: the protocol of the file system. Valid values: NFS and CIFS.
  • File System Name: the name of the file system. The name must be 2 to 64 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
  • Associated VPC: the VPC to which the file system belongs. By default, you can mount a file system only to the computing nodes in the same VPC.
  • Endpoint Subnet: the endpoint subnet to which the file system belongs. After you specify an endpoint subnet, an IP address in the endpoint subnet is assigned as the mount target of the file system.
  • Mount Point: the type of the mount target. This parameter appears if the selected endpoint subnet supports IPv6. Select IPv4 or IPv6 based on your business requirements.
  • Associated Project: the project to which the file system belongs.

View mount target information

  1. Log in to the KFS console and click File System in the left navigation pane.
  2. On the File System page, click the name of the file system for which you want to view mount target information. On the Details page, view the mount target and mount command of the file system. 2.png
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