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Create a container group

Last updated:2023-06-06 10:26:53

Container instances in Kingsoft Cloud Container Instance (KCI) contain infrastructure components such as CPU, memory, network, and storage. KCI enables you to customize and modify all configurations of container instances in a convenient way.

You can create a container instance by performing the following steps:

  1. Log in to the KCI console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click Pod List. The container instance list page appears.
  3. Click Create and complete the following operations.

Basic Configuration

The basic configurations of a container group include its billing mode, region, network, and security group.


  • Billing Mode: Only Pay-As-You-Go is supported. For more information about the pricing of KCI, see Pricing.

  • Data Center and Availability Zone: Select the availability zone where the container group will be deployed.

  • Network Type: Select a subnet for the container group. Only VPC is supported.

  • Security Group: Select the security group to bind to the container group.

Configure Container Group

You can configure storage volumes, containers, and the docker registry login credential for a container group.

Configure a storage volume

EmptyDir (temporary directory), ConfigFile (configuration file), and EBS (cloud disk) volumes are supported. For more information, see Storage volume.

Configure the basic information about a container group


  • Name: The name of the container group can be up to 63 characters in length, and can contain lowercase letters, digits, and delimiters including hyphens (-) and periods (.). The name cannot start or end with a delimiter.

  • Config: Select the specifications of the container group. For more information about the specifications that KCI supports, see Instance specifications.

  • Restart Policy: Select a restart policy for the container group.

Configure containers

You can create multiple containers and customize the configurations of the containers.

  • Name: The name of the container can be up to 63 characters in length, and can contain lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens (-). The name cannot start or end with a hyphen.

  • Tag: Select the image for the deployment of the container.

  • (Optional) Resources: Select the specifications of the container. The total CPU or memory size of all the containers in a container group cannot exceed the CPU or memory size of the container group.

  • (Optional) volumeMount: Specify a mount point for storage volumes.

  • (Optional) Environment Variable: Define environment variables for the container.

  • Working Directory: Specify the working directory where the command will be run.

  • Execution Commands: Specify the command to run.

  • Execution Arguments: Specify the arguments of the command.

Docker registry login credential

If you are using a private image, you must specify a login credential to retrieve it.


  • Repository Address: the address of the image repository.

  • User Name: the username used to log in to the image repository.

  • Password: the password used to log in to the image repository.

Confirm Configuration

Verify the information you have entered. You can go back to modify the information if needed.

After you have verified that everything is correct, click Buy Now to purchase the container group.

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Pure Mode

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