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Last updated:2021-08-30 17:19:27

The core concept of Kingsoft Cloud Container Instance (KCI) is container group. This topic describes container groups and related concepts.

Container group

A container group is a group of one or more containers that reside on the same host. The containers in a container group share network and storage resources. The concept of container group is similar to the Pod in Kubernetes.

Container group status

Scheduling: The container group is being scheduled.

Pending: The container group has been created in the API server but not yet scheduled to a node.

Running: The container group has been bound to a node, and all of the containers in the container group have been created. At least one container is still running, or is in the process of starting or restarting. For more information, see the Pod.Status.Phase attribute.

Succeeded: All containers in the container group are terminated in success and will not be restarted.

Failed: All containers in the container group are terminated, and at least one container is terminated in failure. That is, the container exits with a non-zero exit code or is terminated by the system.

Unknown: For some reason the status of the container group cannot be obtained. This phase typically occurs due to an error in communicating with the node where the container group reside.

Status of containers in a container group

You can specify a restart policy for a container group. This way, when a container in the container group is terminated, the container group decides whether to automatically restart the container based on the restart policy. Restart policies include:

Always: The container group always restarts a container no matter what status the container is terminated in.

OnFailure: The container group restarts a container only if the container is terminated in failure, that is, if the container exits with non-zero status or is terminated by the system.

Never: The container group never restarts a container no matter what status the container is terminated in.

Container status

Waiting: The container is waiting to be created and is not running. In general, application containers remain in the Waiting state when an init container is running and until the init container exits.

Running: The container is created and running.

Terminated: The container is terminated in success or in failure.

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