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View the server list

Last updated:2021-03-04 10:46:54

In the Kingsoft Cloud Host Security (KHS) console, you can view the following information. image.png

  • Overview (Today)

This section displays security stutus of all servers in the current data center in the current day. The security status involves five parts: login permission, backdoor program, system patch, brute-force attack, and website security. For the specific protection features corresponding to each part, see Features.

  • Server Name

The server name customized by you when you create the server.

  • IP Address

The public and private IP addresses bound to the server.

  • Agent Status

Not Installed indicates that your server has not been installed with the KHS agent. For more information about how to install the KHS agent, see KHS agent.

Online indicates that your server has been installed with the KHS agent, and can communicate with KHS to obtain security protection data.

Offline indicates that your server has been installed with the KHS agent. The server once could communicate with KHS but the communication is interrupted at present.

  • Security Status

The security protection information of servers. If no security risks occur in the current day, Safe is displayed.

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