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Install the KHS agent

Last updated:2020-06-03 18:23:52

Click Install KHS Agent on the server list page. image.png

The following download page appears.


Install the Linux agent

Method 1: Click Click to Download the Agent for Linux 32-bit" or Click to Download the Agent for Linux 64-bit" in the Linux area to download the agent installation package and then copy the agent program to the server.

Method 2: For a 64-bit system, execute the wget command on the server to obtain the agent installation package ( For a 32-bit system, execute the wget command on the server to obtain the agent installation package (

Decompress the package. Example: tar -zvxf KsyunAgent_linux64.tar.gz.

Enter the decompressed directory and run ./ (or python with root permissions.

If you need to install the Apache protection module and the program does not automatically recognize the Apache service path, type the path manually or press Enter to skip. Note: If you need to install the web server protection module, install the Apache server first (Apache 2.2 and earlier versions are supported).

To support database weak password scanning, you need to modify the MySQL configuration file (such as /etc/my.cnf) by adding the configuration marked with red rectangle.

Uninstall the Linux agent

Enter the decompressed directory of the installation program, such as /home/test/KsyunAgent_linux64.tar.gz.

Execute ./

Install the Windows agent

Method 1: Click the link in the Windows area to download the agent installation package.

Method 2: For 32-bit and 64-bit system servers, access the following address through a browser:

Copy the agent program to the server and install the program as administrator.

Click Next, select the installation path, and then click Next until the installation is completed. If you have installed KsyunAgent, select Yes to overwrite it. Note: If you need to install the web server protection module, install the IIS server first. Currently, IIS 6.0 is supported. If you install an IIS version later than 6.0 (such as IIS 7.0 or IIS 7.5), select IIS 6.0 compatibility during installation.

Uninstall the Windows client

Enter the installation directory such a C:\Program Files(x86)\KsyunAgent.

Double-click uninst.exe. In the dialog box that appears, click Yes to complete the uninstallation. Note: A dialog box may appear during the uninstallation process. Click Yes or Retry to continue the uninstallation.

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