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Last updated:2020-12-02 17:27:48
Traditional enterprises rely on database administrators (DBAs) for database O&M and troubleshooting. The ability of a DBA directly affects the database health. The performance analysis feature of KRDS for MySQL resolves this issue and helps you identify instability factors that affect your database, such as slow SQL queries, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the database.
Go to the details page of an instance and choose Performance Analysis > Slow SQL Query in the left navigation pane. You can view the slow SQL trend in the upper part of the page.
Note: If the database audit feature is disabled, the slow SQL trend does not show the slow SQL proportion.
Click the Slow SQL Statistics tab in the lower part of the page. You can view the slow SQL statistics within a specific time range by SQL template.
Click an SQL template. The Slow SQL Details tab appears and displays all slow SQL statements in the template.
Click the Slow SQL Details tab in the lower part of the page. You can view the slow SQL details within a specific time range by SQL statement.
You can also search for slow SQL statements within a specific time range by selecting the check boxes for SQL statements and selecting an SQL template from the drop-down list.
Go to the details page of an instance and choose Performance Analysis > Hotspot Table Analysis in the left navigation pane.
The hotspot table analysis page displays the top 10 most frequently executed SQL statements and top 10 most time-consuming SQL statements within the selected time range.
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