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Last updated:2020-06-17 14:36:35
If you need more resources, contact Kingsoft Cloud Customer Service.
DNS quota
Item | Quantity limit |
Domain names under each account | 5 |
Domain name records under each domain name | 1,000 |
SLB quota
Item | Quantity limit |
SLB instances in each region | 10 |
Listeners of each SLB instance | 50 |
Servers attached to each listerner | 100 |
Item | Quantity limit |
EIPs in each region | 10 |
VPC quota
Item | Quantity limit |
VPCs in each region | 5 |
Default VPCs in each region | 1 |
Subnets in each VPC | 100 |
Endpoint subnets in each VPC | 1 |
Security groups in each VPC | 180 |
ACLs in each VPC | 50 |
Inbound rules in each security group | 200 |
Outbound rules in each security group | 200 |
Inbound rules in each ACL | 200 |
Outbound rules in each ACL | 200 |
NAT instances in each VPC | 10 |
IP addresses that can be added to each NAT instance | 1 |
Routes in each VPC | 200 |
Peering connections in each VPC | 50 |
Pure Mode