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Configure MFA

Last updated:2020-07-17 16:18:45

What is MFA?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a simple and effective security protection method. It provides a second layer of security protection in addition to the username and password protection.

After MFA verification is enabled, the Kingsoft Cloud website login page requires not only your username and password, but also the dynamic verification code from your MFA device. The two forms of verification provide higher security protection for your account.

Currently, Kingsoft Cloud supports software-based virtual MFA incloulding Google Authenticator .

Enable MFA verification for your primary account

  1. Use your username and password to log in to the Kingsoft Cloud console.
  2. Select Personal Center > Account Management > Security Settings.

  3. Click the Enable button for the MFA verification feature.
  4. To bind a virtual MFA device, you must pass identify authentication first. After you pass identify authentication, the page for enabling the virtual MFA device appears.
  5. Download an MFA device. Supported MFA devices incloulded Google Authenticator.


6.You are recommended to use Google Authenticator. Please download Google Authenticator and scan the QR code. You can also click To enter the key manually.

After you successfully scan the QR code, the APP refreshes the security code every 30 seconds. To pass authentication and enable MFA verification, you must enter two consecutive security codes.

After you successfully enter two consecutive security codes, MFA verification is enabled. Note:

  • After MFA verification is enabled, you must provide the correct MFA security code next time you log in the Kingsoft Cloud website.
  • If you have an operation and maintenance team sharing the account, make sure the relevant team members can obtain the security code. Anyone who fails to provide the correct MFA security code cannot log in.

Unbind the MFA device

Unbind the MFA device by yourself

As long as your phone is not lost or the APP/MFA token for authentication is not deleted, you can unbind the MFA device by yourself at the Kingsoft Cloud website.

  1. Use your username and password to log in to the Kingsoft Cloud console.

  2. Select Personal Center > Account Management > Security Settings.

  3. Click the Disable button for the MFA verification feature. After passing sensitive operation authentication, confirm the unbinding operation.

Ask the customer service to unbind the MFA device

If you cannot log in to the Kingsoft Cloud console because your phone is lost or the phone number cannot be retrieved, for example, you can send an email to or call +86 400-028-9900 to unbind the MFA device.

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